Remedy For Ear Pain Due to Earphones?

Listening to music or podcasts through earphones can be great, but if you do it too loudly, you may start to experience ear pain. This is because when sound waves enter your ear canal, they cause the eardrum to vibrate. If these vibrations are too strong, they can damage the delicate structures of your ear. Over time, this can lead to hearing loss.

Also, when you use earphones for extended hours without breaks, the ear cartilage can become strained, leading to pain. This might also be due to an ill-fitting design or not wearing the earphones correctly.

If you’ve been experiencing pain in your ear every time you put in your earphones, you’re not alone. In this post, we will discuss some of the common remedies for ear pain due to earphones.

Remedies for Ear Pain due to Earphones

You can try the following remedies to ease ear pain caused by earphones:

1. Take a Break from Using Earphones

If you often experience ear pain after using earphones, it’s important to take regular breaks.

Remove your earphones every 70-90 minutes and give your ears a rest. This will allow the ear cartilage to relax and reduce strain on the ear.

Sometimes we are so immersed in what we are listening to that we forget to take breaks. If you find it difficult to remember, set an alarm on your phone or computer to remind you to take a break.

2. Reduce the Sound Level

If the pain is due to the earphone volume being too loud, try reducing the sound level. It’s important to protect your hearing by keeping the volume at a safe level.

The volume on your earphones should not be any higher than 80% of the maximum volume. In your case, it should not be higher than 60%. If you can hear the sound from your earphones even when they’re not in your ear, the volume is too high.

3. Use Earphones with Softer Ear Tips

If you find that ear pain is a regular occurrence, it might be worth switching to earphones with softer ear tips. These ear tips are made of materials such as silicone or foam, which are more gentle on the ear.

Also, make sure that you don’t insert the ear tips inside your ear canal. A snug fit should not come at the cost of ear pain.

4. Over the Counter Painkiller

If you’re in pain, you can take over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications can help to reduce ear pain and inflammation.

However, be sure to follow the dose instructions on the label carefully. Taking more medication than recommended can lead to serious side effects.

5. Warm Compress

A warm compress can also help to ease ear pain. The heat from the compress can help you relax the ear muscles and reduce inflammation if there is any.

To make a warm compress, soak a clean cloth in warm water and wring it out. Place the cloth over your ear for 5-10 minutes. Repeat this several times.

Alternatively, you can get a heating pad or a warm water bottle and place it over your ear for 5-10 minutes.

6. Cold Compress

If you prefer, you can also use a cold compress to relieve the hurting ear. The cold temperature can help to numb the pain and reduce inflammation.

To make a cold compress, wrap ice in a clean cloth and place it over your ear for 5-10 minutes. Repeat this several times a day as needed.

You can alternate between cold and warm compress if you like.

7. Ear Drops

There are various ear drops available over the counter that can help to ease ear pain. We recommend a Naturopathic Ear drop-ear pain reliever, so prefer this if you can get your hands on one.

This ear drop is made with 100% natural ingredients and helps to reduce ear pain, inflammation, and itching.

8. Massage

Gently massaging the area around your ear can also help to ease ear pain. This is because ear massage can help to increase blood flow and reduce muscle tension.

To massage your ear, use your fingertips to rub the area around your ear in a circular motion. Do this for 5-10 minutes at a time as needed.

9. Sleep Position

Sleeping on your side can put pressure on your ear and intensify the ear pain.

Try sleeping on your back or stomach instead. This will take the pressure off your ear and help to reduce ear pain.

If you must sleep on your side, use an extra pillow to support your head and neck so that there is no pressure on your ear.

10. Hydrogen Per Oxide

Ear pain can also be caused by an ear infection, the earphones might have just aggravated that pain. If you think you might have an ear infection, you can try using hydrogen peroxide to treat it.

To use hydrogen peroxide, put a few drops of H2O2 into the infected ear. Let it sit for a few minutes before draining it out. Clean your ear thoroughly with a cotton swab.

Do this 2-3 times a day for a few days until the ear infection clears up.

If the ear pain persists, it is best to see a doctor to rule out any other underlying conditions.

When to see a doctor?

If you experience ear pain that lasts for more than a few days, it is best to see a doctor.

Additionally, if the ear pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, dizziness, or discharge from the ear, you should also seek medical attention.

These could be signs of a more serious condition and require prompt treatment.


Earphones are a great way to enjoy your music but they can also cause ear pain if not used properly.

To avoid ear pain, make sure to use ear tips that are made of silicone or foam and insert them gently into your ear.

You can also try using ear drops or massaging the area around your ear to ease the pain. Several, an OTC pain killer can also be the remedy for the pain.

If the ear pain persists, it is best to see a doctor.


What can I do if I have ear pain due to earphones?

If you’re experiencing ear pain due to earphones, it’s recommended to take a break from using them for a while. You can also try adjusting the volume to a lower level, as loud sounds can contribute to ear discomfort.

Are there any home remedies for ear pain caused by earphones?

Yes, applying a warm compress to the affected ear can help alleviate pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be used. However, these remedies are temporary and it’s important to address the root cause of the pain.

Can changing my earphones help with the ear pain?

Yes, switching to a different type or brand of earphones can sometimes help. Earphones come in various shapes and sizes, and finding the right fit for your ears can reduce discomfort.

How can I prevent ear pain when using earphones?

To prevent ear pain, ensure your earphones fit properly and aren’t inserted too deeply into your ears. Keep the volume at a safe level, and take regular breaks to give your ears a rest. Using over-ear headphones instead of in-ear earphones can also help.